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City Love Companions is a online platform that provides users general objective and independent information consisting of editorial content (written text and images) in general city guides and erotic content sections of cities and offers advertisers room for promotion of their services in specifically designed advertising sections that are clearly separated from the editorial content.

We do not own, manage or are linked to an individual escort agency, erotic massage salon, striptease or any other erotic club, dating or webcam service. Neither do we employ individual persons who are offering or providing an erotic service.

Therefore: please do not ask or suggest us to provide you with an erotic service such as a meeting with an escort.

You will need to contact an independent escort, escort agency, independent erotic masseuse, erotic massage salon, independent stripper, individual club girl striptease club or other erotic (night) club or any other erotic service provider directly by using email, phone call, text message or chat option. Usually you will find all necessary contact details including a direct email option in the profiles of our advertisers.

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