You have several options at your disposal when you are looking for some erotic entertainment in Turin or Torino, as the name is in Italian. Escorts come to mind, naturally. At least you know most of them will do it out of their own will. Top Companions ( has a selection of touring escorts available to travel to Turin. Italy Escort Zone ( also has a handful of girls. Escorta ( and Escort Forum ( are probably your best bet when it comes to finding escorts in Turin. An hour will cost you around €150. Most escorts come from Eastern Europe, maybe a dozen Asians. The business just isn’t that big in this city. I assume it’s either the government going hard on agencies or the fact that completely legal and regulated prostitution is just across the border in Switzerland. You can drive there in an hour, so why bother.
Prostitution in Torino is legal, at least as escorts, or accompagnatrici as they say in Italy, are working independently and on voluntary basis. Organized prostitution isn’t; so brothels and pimping are considered a crime. Brothels are illegal, if you even find one it will be filled with the same poor women you find abused on the streets. Someone opened the first Italian sex doll brothel here, but I somehow doubt it’ll be a huge success. I think most Italians will prefer a real ragazza (girl) of flesh and blood over a plastic doll. And who doesn’t in the end of the day? The border with Switzerland is nearby so the locals would rather take a trip to a legal bordello than “risk it for the biscuit”.
Street prostitution is the most popular branch in Turin. The migration crisis in recent years greatly affected the prostitution scene in Turin as well. Some reports say that over 3000 Nigerian girls are being forced into prostitution on the streets of this city. You see all these women warming up next to fire pits during colder months, like homeless people. That’s only a portion of what goes through Turin every year. Think about it, 3000 women is a lot considering the city isn’t even that big. It is often called the “human traffickers gateway to Europe”, which makes sense geographically.