Escorts in Kraków (Cracow) can work in relative freedom and are unbothered by authorities. While escorting is usually tolerated, brothels and pimping are not allowed. Prostitution is not really regulated and kind of taboo in Poland. Remember that Poland is a country with the most churches per square kilometre, people blush and beg god for forgiveness when they hear naughty words like “sex” or “contraception”. It might not be the best city for mongering but it definitely isn’t the worst either.
Escorts are the way to go when being in Kraków. According to recent studies 20% of female students are skipping class to make some extra money. Nation-wide escort directories such as SexPatrol ( and Roksa ( are the most popular sources for mongering in Poland. An hour of service will cost you anything from €50 to €200.
Escort agencies in Kraków are rare and focus on the premium clientele; an hour with a girl from High Class Escorts Poland ( costs over €400. That equals to around 1500 PLN: an average monthly wage for a working student. They are usually true professionals who certainly know their trade. Some escorts like Emily ( even have an own website, but they are an exception. Most girls working in the escort business are Polish, Ukrainian or from Belarus.
Illegal brothels are all over Kraków, often operated by gangs involved in drugs and human trafficking. They don’t even advertise. The magic key to finding brothels are taxi drivers: the ancient sages that know everything illegal that the city has to offer. Streetwalking is practically non-existent, there are some girls looking for work along the highway leading to Katowice, but I doubt anyone reading this will go that far looking to get laid.