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Erotic masseuses & salons from Lviv

Lviv erotic massage

As in most countries with banned prostitution, erotic massage salons in Lviv (Lvov in Russian) and other Ukrainian cities are gaining popularity as legal fronts for illegal brothels. They often advertise online or via flyers handed out by attractive girls around crowded areas. Taxi drivers will point you in the right direction; just don’t forget the obligatory and obvious wink when asking for a “massage studio”.

Body-to-body massage session in Lviv erotic massage salon

The legal ban on prostitution in Ukraine has given a boost to the local erotic massage market

Paradise (https://paradise-mass.lviv.ua/) on 9, Leontovycha Street is a great erotic massage salon (eroticheskiy massazh salon) in Lviv with excellent reviews. The masseuses look gorgeous, at least on the salon’s website, and offer a wide range of services. Their top erotic massage costs less than €50, which is a steal. Viva la Ukraine! Luxury Club (https://luxury-club.lviv.ua/) at Gazovaya street 7 is also an interesting studio, their menu includes a Chocolate massage, I’m not entirely sure if it’s the name of the masseuse or the delicious treat, or both.


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