Looking for girls for your event? Then you have come to the right place! Our database contains models according to certain parameters; the questionnaires contain all the necessary data and information in order to independently choose the model you like. In order to find out if a model is available for escort on a certain date and time, contact our agency and get all the necessary information. We have been engaged in our activities and delighting our clients for several years. Our modeling agency invites you to use our services and meet very attractive, educated and talented escort models in your city. Each model's application undergoes a thorough selection process; truly worthy girls and guys get jobs in our escort agency. They understand the basics of etiquette, fashion shows, and many know foreign languages. We provide escort services to both men and women. Our models can accompany you at any event not only in Omsk , but also throughout Russia and the world. Our main principle is the anonymity of our clients and models, since many of them are public figures and would not like to disclose information about their personal and professional lives. Contact us right now and book an elite time with the girl of your dreams.