About me:
Last updated:
February 28, 2023
20 years old Female from Lima, Peru
It makes me special, it is my way of being and seeing life. I am a very funny girl, I like to talk about whatever, I love sports and board games. I played softball until I moved here and one sport that I absolutely love is archery.
At work and in studies I am a very effective person, I give my best and I always find solutions. I consider myself very responsible and I like to stand out.
I am a person of constant changes, every day I grow more as a person and in the workplace in the near future I projected traveling and achieving my dreams and life goals.
Good sex for me is when there is chemistry and you enjoy every minute. It is understanding how your body works and knowing what the other person likes to create that confidence that makes everything more comfortable and better.
Being romantic is being sure of your feelings, being determined, providing comfort, attention and kindness are those details that make the difference.
I like it when the energy that the other person transmits to you speaks much more about her than she can tell you. My ideal date would be with someone with whom I can talk, smile and have a drink while we get to know each other.