About me:
Last updated:
February 28, 2023
22 years old Female from Buenos Aires, Argentina
My charisma, good vibes, my humility make me special, I have always been an independent woman, boar, thrown forward, without fear of what may come... Confident of myself... I am a canvas acrobat, when I was younger I did ballet and also dance contemporary, theater and some sports... I love everything that has to do with art... I love listening to others, my goal is to reach a profession, Psychology
I was always very good at the studio... And at work too, committed, always with the best disposition. Whenever I left a job, I left a very good impression and likewise earned the affection of the jef@s
My vision of life is to grow more and more, not only economically or materially, but as a person... in 5 years I want to see myself very well organized, have my university degree, a good job, my own house, car, all material things that we all want-
Good sex for me is when you both end up well beaten and the sheets covered in bodily fluids. That's good sex. having satisfied the other person in all aspects, giving him due time to reach the climax and knowing how to do it...
What is romantic for me is always surprising…managing to be different…original…unique. It is giving your best, doing everything with passion and enjoying a good place, a good drink and good food. Live life 100%
My ideal client would be a polite, respectful person, a person with whom you can have a good conversation and the time is more pleasant ☺