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Escorts & agencies from Cancún

Cancún escorts

There are always two sides to prostitution. Touring escorts in Cancún are doing great. It’s a vacation that pays for itself with a substantial bonus. These girls work for 2 hours and have the rest of the day for themselves. Being an escort in Cancún is a dream job for many young locals and foreigners. On the other side, you have organized prostitution, the criminal kind. Everything but soliciting and pimping is legal here and unfortunately attracts the wrong crowds. Child prostitution and human traffic are an issue. Things are generally fine as long as you stick to the official venues. Honestly, you’ll be fine if you stay at the resort area and focus on professional escorts or acompañantes, as they are also called in Spanish. Some locals will also call them putas, but that does not sound very gentle. Try to avoid downtown Cancún, better known as El Centro; it can get pretty shady around those parts. Licensed escorts in Cancún undergo regular medical check-ups. The illegally “employed” ones don’t. But go ahead if gonorrhoea sounds like a fun time to you. 

Exclusive escort in Cancun having a cocktail on the beach

Escorts in Cancun celebrate holidays for free with even a substantial bonus

Most escorts in Cancún are 10/10 beach-bodied-gold-digging-beauties. That goes especially for the chicas that hang around the nice part of the town like the Hotel Zone (Zona Hotelera). It might be a different story though for the ones operating from El Centro. There are dozens of websites: it takes zero effort to hook up online in Cancún. Here’s just a sample of what you can expect from the local escort scene. Mileroticos (https://mx.mileroticos.com/) is a massive directory with a mixed bag of girls, mostly local. Adult Guia (https://mx.adultguia.com/) is pretty much the same thing. Same deal with XLAMMA (https://xlamma.mx/). Escort agencies in Cancún are underwhelming to say the least. There’s the Cancun Escorts (https://www.cancunescort.com/) and Exe Escorts (https://www.exe-escorts.net/). Cancún is one of those cities where the independent escorts cover the majority of the market. The higher-level girls are gorgeous and usually speak decent English. Those could cost upwards from $300 per hour.

There used to be a red-light district in Cancún, but it closed down in 2009. All the streetwalkers moved to El Centro. It’s super seedy and super cheap. The downside is that quality also goes down the drain. You can buy some action for as low as $20, but it’s just a sad experience. Not to mention the cops tend to shake tourists down. They frisk you under the charge of drug possession and empty your wallet. It’s a really bad place for a tourist to wander around at night. Remember that this is where all the hotel staff lives; they probably hate you. Contrary to El Centro’s reputation, local brothels are supposedly a very decent experience. An hour with an average girl in a shady bordello is around $80.

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