Escorts in Constanța are, for the most part, ignored by the government. Escort services in Constanța aren’t a criminal offence, even though the usual stuff – brothels, soliciting, even procuring – are technically illegal. Let’s be real though: Constanța is a summer sea resort in a country where 90% of porn stars come from. There is fun to be had here. The girls are mostly Romanians from poor, rural parts of the country. Often raised in poverty they’re an easy target of abuse. That’s one thing to keep in mind: prostitution here is ran by the criminal underground. So, all the common places like brothels, massage parlours and street girls are mostly mafia. No wonder that most Romanian women who want to work in the sex industry will go abroad where the wages are higher and the working conditions are better. It’s still relatively safe here, but watch yourself and maybe better stick to independent escorts who are mostly active online.
Even if most of the Romanian escort girls work abroad, you still have good chances to find some working girls in Constanta who advertise online
Call girls in Constanța who are advertising online are the best and safest way to get your game on here. Try preferably independent ladies who upload theirs profiles on decent websites with escort services in Constanța. If the English language sites do not bring you any luck, search for escorte, escort fete or dame de companie, which will return definitely some leads to Romanian escort directories and agencies. Romanian Escorts ( is alright, though I somehow suspect some of the pics are fake. Other sites worth a mention include Escorts Romania ( Ro Escort ( is a really good directory and you might want to check Publi24 ( for a selection of classifieds. Expect to pay around €60 for an hour of fun. Prices are very affordable.
There is no official red-light district in Constanța. However, you can still find a mix of streetwalkers and proper escorts here and there. The train station is a good start if you’re desperate. More streetwalkers roam along the road from Constanța to Mamaia, not so easily mistaken for hitchhikers. Brothels? There are some hidden in random apartments, but they often move to avoid police raids. You’ll have to ask around. Last but not the least: hotel lobbies. That’s where you’ll find the most attractive girls, but they do charge accordingly.