Escort business and other forms of prostitution in Copenhagen and entire Denmark have obtained a legal status already a few years ago. The Danish authorities realized it’s better to have control over something than letting it run rampant. They still keep an eye on illegal activity such as brothels and all kinds of pimping. In any case the Danish approach is more laidback and less strict than Sweden where buying sex has been criminalized.
So no wonder Denmark is immensely popular with the Swedish neighbours who often drop by on the weekends for some fun. The Internet is full of escort agencies and directories offering a wide range of girls in Copenhagen, that’s the obvious upside of legal prostitution. Search in Google for escortpiger or eskorte i København and you will stumble into fine local directory sites such as (, Escort Side ( and Mine Escort Guide ( They all have plenty of ads and profiles of escorts operating in Copenhagen.
The variety is great: some call girls are locals, but the majority seems to be foreign. You can meet working girls from all parts of Europe, Africa and Latin America. The Asian continent is mainly represented by Thai girls and of course you will come across the usual Eastern European (touring) escorts. Bearing in mind the geographical location it will not come as a surprise that many of those working girls originate from the Baltic countries and Poland. Profiles and photos are usually genuine and price range varies depending on the quality but expected something around €150-300 for an hour. Mermaid Escort ( is a local escort agency that uses one of the symbols of Copenhagen to lure their clients in. Probably also because there’s always that one guy with a really weird fetish.
I’ve always been a huge fan of the truly independent escorts, those working girls that take their craft seriously enough to run their own website. The international travel companion Emma Moore aka Copenhagen GFE Escort (, the gorgeous blonde Anna ( and the Estonian Alisa ( are a few examples of that kind of autonomous working girls.
Brothels are officially illegal in Denmark, nevertheless the Danish capital is filled to the brim with tiny bordellos
The numbers of brothels is estimated to be over 400 in Denmark. Even though they’re technically illegal their owners register their businesses as rooms for hire, hostels and stuff like that. And the government usually turns a blind eye on these artificial constructions. They advertise on escort directories, or run own websites where they are quite open about the options and prices. Just have a look at Daisy Club ( at Spontinisvej 1b or Seduction Girls ( at Rødovrevej 281. Prices are, more or less, the same as you’d pay for an escort, but people say brothels in Copenhagen are a much smoother experience.
Copenhagen is one of the few cities in Europe that still have a proper red light district. And like many other cities, which officially don’t have one, it’s located behind a railway station. In Copenhagen the erotic scene is mostly concentrated around Istedgade street. Picture a shady area with dozens of streetwalkers and a sex shop here and there, rather than something like the legendary De Wallen in Amsterdam or Hamburg’s epic Reeperbahn. Istedgade is also known as a street full of junkies and small-time thieves, so watch your back after dark. Speaking of working girls, they’re mostly women from Eastern Europe. They are preying on drunk Danes and Swedes and usually charging as much as you’d pay at a brothel. Witnessing someone getting serviced at a back alley stinking of urine is not uncommon and definitely not something I would pay for.