Escort business in Gdańsk is steadily growing. It’s not booming but growing at the pace of an oak tree. Poland is still a very conservative country. People find it hard to believe that a woman would willingly work as an escort in Gdańsk. Almost as hard to believe that a woman can make more money than a man. Providing escort services in Gdańsk is complex and problematic. You can smell the bullshit when the official documents state: “prostitution is NOT illegal”. That means everyone knows it’s out there, but they choose to ignore it. Prostitution is not regulated so girls don’t pay taxes etc.
Directories are the popular way of booking escorts in Gdańsk and the rest of Poland. There are two national directories that practically own the Polish escort market: Odloty ( and Roksa ( Both are legit, tried and trusted. They have photos, phone numbers and prices; all you’ll ever need. Anonsik ( is a similar site. I would say it’s a sort of a cross between a directory and a classifieds service. There are escort agencies in Gdańsk. Some operate strictly local like Gdansk VIP Escorts ( Others have a stable of touring escorts, such as Masquerade Escorts ( For the most part it’s Polish women who work as escort but you might come across a few Ukrainian and Belarussian working girls as well. Average prices went up lately to meet the European standards. Expect to pay upwards from €150 for an hour with a good-looking escort in Gdańsk.
Everything used to revolve around street prostitution and illegal brothels. Brothels are still around, typically in apartments. You need to know a guy who knows a guy. When it comes to street prostitution you can better speak of “highway prostitution”. Girls usually hang outside of cities, along the main roads. Often they position themselves to forests providing camouflage for a quickie with a truck driver. Those girls are usually Bulgarian victims of sex trafficking. They also have a reputation for a lack of personal hygiene. There are no red lights districts in Gdańsk and there are no areas in the city itself with streetwalkers either. Bar prostitution is also non-existent in Gdańsk.