Current laws in Ottawa not-so-clearly prohibit prostitution. Still, in Ottawa the rate of escorts and other sex workers per 100,000 citizens is the highest among Canadian metropolises. Ottawa stands at 2.6 prostitutes per 100,000 citizens, Ontario at 0.4, Montreal at 0.3 at Toronto at an all-time low 0.07. This makes Ottawa the sex business capital of Canada, despite prostitution being illegal. You can sell sex, but people can’t buy it. You either cannot solicit or make a living off of prostitution. So it’s tricky. Also, don’t think Ottawa is some kind of a Canadian Bangkok. It just seems like a major “sexpat” destination in comparison to other big cities in the country. After all: “In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king”. Escorts in Ottawa are a safe and popular way of giving your one-eyed king some action. Ottawa Independent Companions ( is one of my favourite escort directories, not only for a huge variety of their stable but for the small things like options for disabled clients or that some girls have social media accounts you can follow. Mirage Escorts ( has a handful of stunning girls that do city tours around Canada, with a schedule available on the website.
Many escorts in Ottawa advertise their services on message boards like TERB ( or Lyla ( while others prefer not to attach any strings and run their own websites like Valerie ( and the drop-dead-beauty Hannah Simpson ( Prices can start at $100, but it’s not uncommon for upscale escorts in Ottawa and other Canadian cities to charge $400 for an hour and even much more. Almost all independent call girls are active on Instagram and Twitter where they also announce new (international) tours. Canada is a huge country and it is not uncommon for escorts in Canada to travel to other Canadian cities where they stay for a few days before hopping over to the next city.
Do not be surprised or feel offended if the lady of your choice will ask you to verify your identity by submitting some personal info or provide her with the name of an escort you have met before. It’s noting personal. This screening process should ensure they will meet a real existing and trustful person and is pretty common amongst Canadian escorts. For obvious reasons the USA has always been a popular touring destination with escorts from Canada. But as a consequence of the tight FOSTA-SESTA regulations adopted under the Trump administration, escorting in the United States has become a challenging business. It also resulted in the closure of classifieds sites as Backpage and forced Craigslist to take down its infamous Personals section. For more info on this controversial bill package that aims for crack down illegal sex trafficking online but has also negative side effects and impact on safety of sex workers and internet freedom see:
There is no red-light district in Ottawa since it’s all hush-hush with the new regulations. Don’t count on any classic brothel action either. If you’re looking for some good old-fashioned streetwalkers then the Byward Market area or Mechanicsville are known spots. For $20 you can already get a blowjob and full service costs as little as $50 full but don’t expect any miracles. The case with hookers working the streets is often identical all over the world. Unfortunately, many are drug addicts, alcoholics or both. So also in Ottawa you’ll not come across any head-turners.