No offense to our Swedish readers but Sweden has the most ridiculous prostitution laws I’ve ever heard of. The bottom line is that escorts in Stockholm and other Swedish cities have a legalized profession. But buying/paying for sex from a customers’ perspective is criminalized. They say they didn’t want to stress the suppliers out, but rather focus on punishing the demand. To me it sounds like someone woke up in the morning, with a giant hangover and goes like this: “Oh shit I was supposed to write these prostitution regulations, I guess I’ll just do it on the way to school”. It apparently works because the total number of escorts and other sex workers in Sweden equals to a few hundreds. That’s a very modest number compared to the thousands of prostitutes, who are active in basically every other European city of similar size.
Escorts in Stockholm advertise their services on the most popular local directories like Escort69 ( or Sex Tjejer ( Those Swedish erotic advertising portals are loaded with verified tjejs (Swedish for “chicks”) from all over the world, super-hot local blondes are in high demand but exotic companions aren’t uncommon either. On Sex Tjejer girls can indicate their nationality and as you can imagine you will come across a lot of Eastern European ladies. Escorts from Romania, Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland and Latvia are well represented. And of course - surprise, surprise - there is also a fair amount of Russian and Ukrainian escorts touring or living more or less permanently in Stockholm. And on top of that, there is also a remarkably large number of girls from Spain, Italy and other Mediterranean countries who are trying their luck in the Stockholm escort scene.
Most girls offer incall meetings from a hotel or private flat and provide outcall service as well. The usual price for Stockholm escorts is around 1500 SEK, which equals to €150/h for an incall. There are a few girls that operate their own websites such as: Escort Wanda ( and Mimmi ( but escort agencies in Stockholm aren’t really a thing as a consequence of the strict Swedish prostitution laws.
Malmskillinsgatan used to be Stockholm’s primary red lights district, until the new regulations almost completely cleaned it out. Nowadays there are maybe 10 streetwalkers roaming the area, looking for clients and a massage salon here and there. If you’re lucky enough to find a working girl in that area, it’ll cost you between €50 and €100 for a quickie on the backseat of your car. Brothels in Stockholm are a thing of the past; most girls now work as online escorts, some in massage studios. There are rumours of groups of prostitutes that rent out AirBnBs and work from there, but those are hard to pin down.