In summer 2015, a show bar with an attractive and provocative name White Rabbit opened its doors in Lviv. The nightclub gained popularity among strong half of humankind immediately. The professionals tried to make the place as attractive as possible. And, as a result, guests saw the White Rabbit with original interiors, attentive staff, exquisite cuisine, large choice of drinks at the bar, a variety of exclusive and exciting shows every night.
The show-bar invites all Lviv guests and tourists to an unforgettable erotic strip show from the best dancers from all over the country. The interior, music and interesting program set you up for a relaxing and enjoyable holiday with the most seductive dancers. Delicious food and alcoholic cocktails will let the guests feel the evening as intense as possible.
The show bar is opened since 10:00 pm and kindly invites guests to dive into a fabulous atmosphere of relaxation, intrigue and cozy relaxation with girls, allowing you to escape from everyday life and plunge into the world of fantasy.
The White Rabbit Show Bar is opened 24/7, with face and dress controls in place, as well as a strict privacy policy that will allow you to receive unforgettable emotions to the fullest.
Enjoy the candid, inviting show of our artists in a private atmosphere.
If you are tired of the tedious format of men's clubs, then we know what will surprise you.
We take into account desire of each guest, creating an atmosphere of joy and personal celebration. Pleasant memories from our institution will remain in your memory for a long time.
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