It might sound strange for such an open-minded and sex-liberal country as The Netherlands but it just does not have a tradition of striptease clubs. So you won’t encounter any regular striptease club in The Hague or Den Haag, as the official name in Dutch is. You will, however, find tons of great modern sex clubs. They are usually a mix of a nightclub, striptease bar and a brothel. Mayfair ( at Bilderdijkstraat 108 is such erotic night club that boasts a good reputation. It has an amazing lounge area with a sweet bar, and cosy intimate rooms with bed and Jacuzzi.
Legal brothels in the Netherlands are often referred to as private houses (privéhuizen in Dutch). They are of the old school kind and have kept the good traditions and that also goes for the ones in Den Haag. You can count on intimate rooms with girls, a lodging area with leather couches, and a stacked bar. Girls need to pass a recruitment process so the quality is much higher. Diane’s Secret ( at Laan van Nieuw Oost Indie 200a is a name that comes up often amongst locals and brothel newbies. I mean, if I would have an ugly son and would be desperate for him to lose his virginity, I would 100% take him to Diane’s Secret. Privéhuis Stout ( at Bilderdijkstraat 106 is another longstanding establishment in Den Haag. It has a promising name since stout means naughty in Dutch. The positive online reviews this brothel receives, indicate it lives up to its name.
What The Hague might lack in the regular striptease club department is fully compensated by high quality private houses and other erotic night clubs
Maison Prive ( at Valeriusstraat 18A was another famous privéhuis. You know they’re fancy when they’re named in French. Unfortunately it did not survive the Covid-19 lockdown and it terminated its business at the end of 2020. The same story goes for Paradise ( at Thomsonlaan 107, a sex sauna that openly advertised gangbangs and similar events. Luckily, the House of Submission ( at Thomsonlaan 109A, is still around. A cool place if you like to get really freaky. An hour of fun in a brothel in The Hague costs at least around €100 on paper. But then you usually will get just a basic service. I would prepare around €150 to be on the safe side in case you would want some extra services.